教会圣诗  119



Hark! the Herald Angels Sing




听啊天使高声唱  荣耀归於新生王

恩典临地平安到  神人从此能和好

Hark! The herald angels sing,

Glory to the newborn King;

Peace on earth and mercy mild,

God and sinners reconciled!


兴起地上众生灵  响应天上赞美声

天唱地和乐欢腾  基督降生伯利恒

听啊天使高声唱  荣耀归於新生王

Joyful, all ye nations rise,

Join the triumph of the skies;

With th’angelic host proclaim,

Christ is born in Bethlehem

Hark! The herald angels sing,

Glory to the newborn King.




基督本有神形像  基督原是永远王

竟在末世从天降  藉童女生成人样

Christ, by highest heaven adored

Christ, the everlasting Lord

Late in time behold Him come

Offspring of the Virgin’s womb


神性穿上血肉体  道成肉身何奥秘

甘愿作人同人住  以马内利是耶稣

听啊天使高声唱  荣耀归於新生王

Veiled in flesh the God-head see

Hail th’incarnate Deity

Please as man with men to dwell

Jesus, our Emmanuel

Hark! The herald angels sing,

Glory to the newborn King.




欢迎天来和平王  欢迎公义的太阳
带来生命与亮光  使人复活医人伤

Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace  Hail the Son of Righteousness

Light and life to all He brings

Risen with healing in His wings


虚己撇下他荣光  降生救人免死亡
降生使人得重生  降生使人能高升
听啊天使高声唱  荣耀归於新生王

Mild He lays His glory by

Born that man no more may die

Born to raise the sons of earth

Born to give them second birth

Hark! The herald angels sing

Glory to the newborn King